LGC Resources

Having served for two decades as a convenient location for our state’s top universities to offer graduate programs in North Charleston, the Lowcountry Graduate Center (LGC) has pivoted to function in a new modality as a virtual center featuring graduate programs from our three member institutions in Charleston; namely:  the College of Charleston, the Medical University of South Carolina, and The Citadel.   You can find a listing of all graduate certificates and degreed programs (with the exception of programs for strictly clinical credentials) on this website and links to landing pages for details on how and when to apply and other important information to your decision.  

We continue to partner with Tutor Matching Service to help connect graduate students with tutors who are available nationwide to assist with a wide variety of subjects. To find a local tutor, visit our Tutor Matching Service page.

Earning a graduate degree is an important step to achieving your career goals. This commitment to education can be the key to advancing to a new position with your current employer. A graduate degree can also open the door to a new career with one of Charleston’s numerous growing industries. To learn where recent graduates from the programs offered at the LGC are now working, and to search local job listings visit our Employer Information page.