Library Catalogs

A complete list of the available databases and E-Journals may be accessed through the library website for each individual school:

College of Charleston: Addlestone Library
Medical University of South Carolina: MUSC
The Citadel: Daniel Library

Research Guides

Research Guides offer starting points for academic research. These guides point to databases that may be searched for particular journal articles and suggest reference sources for obtaining background information on a given topic.

College of Charleston Research Guides
MUSC Library Guides
The Citadel Subject Guides

Interlibrary Loan

In addition to a small collection of reference materials, the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service allows students to borrow books and materials from any library in the world.  A librarian in the Interlibrary Loan department at a student’s institution can assist in ordering material.

Other Library Resources

College of Charleston Reference:

Medical University of South Carolina Reference:

The Citadel Reference: