Sometimes it all comes down to what you can show on paper.
By Dr. Jessica Carter
Writing a resume can be something of an art. You want something eye catching, but not in a bad way. How do you walk that fine grey line to create something noteworthy? We have some tips:
- Find the job you want to apply to. Take note of the job description and key words that are used, especially about the responsibilities or duties you will need to perform in the role.
- Your contact information. How will a potential employer contact you? Make sure you list an email that you have access to and will reply promptly to!
- Your job history. Start by writing out your job history. The name of the company, the year you started and stopped, your job title, and the duties you performed are really the most important things to consider. What in those jobs have you done that are similar to number 1 above? List those items under each job.
- Education. Write out your education history, including the names of colleges, the dates you attended, important coursework and degrees earned.
- Soft Skills. Employers are starting to look more for candidate soft skills. Have you completed a degree? Are you good at working with teams? How are your communication skills?
- Consider a template. Templates are a good way to make sure you have the same font throughout, and a cohesive look to your resume.
- Ask for feedback! Ask someone for feedback on your resume. Even us! Email the job you want to apply to, and your resume to [email protected] and we will give you feedback on a great resume.